Interface: BaseWorkflowOptions
• Optional
cronSchedule: string
Optional cron schedule for Workflow. If a cron schedule is specified, the Workflow will run as a cron based on the schedule. The scheduling will be based on UTC time. The schedule for the next run only happens after the current run is completed/failed/timeout. If a RetryPolicy is also supplied, and the Workflow failed or timed out, the Workflow will be retried based on the retry policy. While the Workflow is retrying, it won't schedule its next run. If the next schedule is due while the Workflow is running (or retrying), then it will skip that schedule. Cron Workflow will not stop until it is terminated or cancelled (by returning temporal.CanceledError). is useful for testing your cron expressions.
• Optional
memo: Record
, unknown
Specifies additional non-indexed information to attach to the Workflow Execution. The values can be anything that is serializable by DataConverter.
• Optional
retry: RetryPolicy
Controls how a Workflow Execution is retried.
By default, Workflow Executions are not retried. Do not override this behavior unless you know what you're doing. More information.
• Optional
searchAttributes: SearchAttributes
Specifies additional indexed information to attach to the Workflow Execution. More info:
Values are always converted using JsonPayloadConverter, even when a custom data converter is provided.
• Optional
workflowIdReusePolicy: WorkflowIdReusePolicy
Whether a Workflow can be started with a Workflow Id of a Closed Workflow.
Note: A Workflow can never be started with a Workflow Id of a Running Workflow.