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Interface: IApiKeySpec


Properties of an ApiKeySpec.

Implemented by



Optional description: null | string

The description of the API key.


Optional disabled: null | boolean

True if the API key is disabled.


Optional displayName: null | string

The display name of the API key.


Optional expiryTime: null | ITimestamp

The expiry time of the API key.


Optional ownerId: null | string

The id of the owner to create the API key for. The owner id is immutable. Once set during creation, it cannot be changed. The owner id is the id of the user when the owner type is user. The owner id is the id of the service account when the owner type is service account.


Optional ownerType: null | OwnerType

The type of the owner to create the API key for. temporal:versioning:min_version=2024-10-01-00 temporal:enums:replaces=owner_type_deprecated


Optional ownerTypeDeprecated: null | string

The type of the owner to create the API key for. The owner type is immutable. Once set during creation, it cannot be changed. Possible values: user, service-account. Deprecated: Not supported after 2024-10-01-00 api version. Use owner_type instead. temporal:versioning:max_version=2024-10-01-00