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Interface: INamespaceSpec


Properties of a NamespaceSpec.

Implemented by



Optional apiKeyAuth: null | IApiKeyAuthSpec

The API key auth configuration for the namespace. If unspecified, API keys will be disabled. temporal:versioning:min_version=2024-05-13-00


Optional codecServer: null | ICodecServerSpec

Codec server spec used by UI to decode payloads for all users interacting with this namespace. Optional, default is unset.


Optional customSearchAttributes: null | { [k: string]: string; }

The custom search attributes to use for the namespace. The name of the attribute is the key and the type is the value. Supported attribute types: text, keyword, int, double, bool, datetime, keyword_list. NOTE: currently deleting a search attribute is not supported. Optional, default is empty.


Optional mtlsAuth: null | IMtlsAuthSpec

The mTLS auth configuration for the namespace. If unspecified, mTLS will be disabled.


Optional name: null | string

The name to use for the namespace. This will create a namespace that's available at ''. The name is immutable. Once set, it cannot be changed.


Optional regions: null | string[]

The ids of the regions where the namespace should be available. The GetRegions API can be used to get the list of valid region ids. Specifying more than one region makes the namespace "global", which is currently a preview only feature with restricted access. Please reach out to Temporal support for more information on global namespaces. When provisioned the global namespace will be active on the first region in the list and passive on the rest. Number of supported regions is 2. The regions is immutable. Once set, it cannot be changed. Example: ["aws-us-west-2"].


Optional retentionDays: null | number

The number of days the workflows data will be retained for. Changes to the retention period may impact your storage costs. Any changes to the retention period will be applied to all new running workflows.