Interface: IWorkflowExecutionInfo
Properties of a WorkflowExecutionInfo.
Implemented by
• Optional
assignedBuildId: null
| string
The currently assigned build ID for this execution. Presence of this value means worker versioning is used for this execution. Assigned build ID is selected based on Worker Versioning Assignment Rules when the first workflow task of the execution is scheduled. If the first workflow task fails and is scheduled again, the assigned build ID may change according to the latest versioning rules. Assigned build ID can also change in the middle of a execution if Compatible Redirect Rules are applied to this execution. Deprecated. This field should be cleaned up when versioning-2 API is removed. [cleanup-experimental-wv]
• Optional
autoResetPoints: null
| IResetPoints
WorkflowExecutionInfo autoResetPoints
• Optional
closeTime: null
| ITimestamp
WorkflowExecutionInfo closeTime
• Optional
execution: null
| IWorkflowExecution
WorkflowExecutionInfo execution
• Optional
executionDuration: null
| IDuration
Workflow execution duration is defined as difference between close time and execution time. This field is only populated if the workflow is closed.
• Optional
executionTime: null
| ITimestamp
WorkflowExecutionInfo executionTime
• Optional
firstRunId: null
| string
The first run ID in the execution chain. Executions created via the following operations are considered to be in the same chain
- ContinueAsNew
- Workflow Retry
- Workflow Reset
- Cron Schedule
• Optional
historyLength: null
| Long
WorkflowExecutionInfo historyLength
• Optional
historySizeBytes: null
| Long
WorkflowExecutionInfo historySizeBytes
• Optional
inheritedBuildId: null
| string
Build ID inherited from a previous/parent execution. If present, assigned_build_id will be set to this, instead of using the assignment rules. Deprecated. This field should be cleaned up when versioning-2 API is removed. [cleanup-experimental-wv]
• Optional
memo: null
| IMemo
WorkflowExecutionInfo memo
• Optional
mostRecentWorkerVersionStamp: null
| IWorkerVersionStamp
If set, the most recent worker version stamp that appeared in a workflow task completion Deprecated. This field should be cleaned up when versioning-2 API is removed. [cleanup-experimental-wv]
• Optional
parentExecution: null
| IWorkflowExecution
WorkflowExecutionInfo parentExecution
• Optional
parentNamespaceId: null
| string
WorkflowExecutionInfo parentNamespaceId
• Optional
rootExecution: null
| IWorkflowExecution
Contains information about the root workflow execution. The root workflow execution is defined as follows:
- A workflow without parent workflow is its own root workflow.
- A workflow that has a parent workflow has the same root workflow as its parent workflow. Note: workflows continued as new or reseted may or may not have parents, check examples below.
Examples: Scenario 1: Workflow W1 starts child workflow W2, and W2 starts child workflow W3.
- The root workflow of all three workflows is W1. Scenario 2: Workflow W1 starts child workflow W2, and W2 continued as new W3.
- The root workflow of all three workflows is W1. Scenario 3: Workflow W1 continued as new W2.
- The root workflow of W1 is W1 and the root workflow of W2 is W2. Scenario 4: Workflow W1 starts child workflow W2, and W2 is reseted, creating W3
- The root workflow of all three workflows is W1. Scenario 5: Workflow W1 is reseted, creating W2.
- The root workflow of W1 is W1 and the root workflow of W2 is W2.
• Optional
searchAttributes: null
| ISearchAttributes
WorkflowExecutionInfo searchAttributes
• Optional
startTime: null
| ITimestamp
WorkflowExecutionInfo startTime
• Optional
stateTransitionCount: null
| Long
WorkflowExecutionInfo stateTransitionCount
• Optional
status: null
| WorkflowExecutionStatus
WorkflowExecutionInfo status
• Optional
taskQueue: null
| string
WorkflowExecutionInfo taskQueue
• Optional
type: null
| IWorkflowType
WorkflowExecutionInfo type
• Optional
versioningInfo: null
| IWorkflowExecutionVersioningInfo
Absent value means the workflow execution is not versioned. When present, the execution might
be versioned or unversioned, depending on versioning_info.behavior
and versioning_info.versioning_override
Experimental. Versioning info is experimental and might change in the future.