Interface: ISchedulePolicies
Properties of a SchedulePolicies.
Implemented by
• Optional
catchupWindow: null
| IDuration
Policy for catchups: If the Temporal server misses an action due to one or more components being down, and comes back up, the action will be run if the scheduled time is within this window from the current time. This value defaults to one year, and can't be less than 10 seconds.
• Optional
keepOriginalWorkflowId: null
| boolean
If true, and the action would start a workflow, a timestamp will not be appended to the scheduled workflow id.
• Optional
overlapPolicy: null
| ScheduleOverlapPolicy
Policy for overlaps. Note that this can be changed after a schedule has taken some actions, and some changes might produce unintuitive results. In general, the later policy overrides the earlier policy.
• Optional
pauseOnFailure: null
| boolean
If true, and a workflow run fails or times out, turn on "paused". This applies after retry policies: the full chain of retries must fail to trigger a pause here.