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Interface: INexusOperationScheduledEventAttributes


Properties of a NexusOperationScheduledEventAttributes.

Implemented by



Optional endpoint: null | string

Endpoint name, must exist in the endpoint registry.


Optional input: null | IPayload

Input for the operation. The server converts this into Nexus request content and the appropriate content headers internally when sending the StartOperation request. On the handler side, if it is also backed by Temporal, the content is transformed back to the original Payload stored in this event.


Optional nexusHeader: null | { [k: string]: string; }

Header to attach to the Nexus request. Note these headers are not the same as Temporal headers on internal activities and child workflows, these are transmitted to Nexus operations that may be external and are not traditional payloads.


Optional operation: null | string

Operation name.


Optional requestId: null | string

A unique ID generated by the history service upon creation of this event. The ID will be transmitted with all nexus StartOperation requests and is used as an idempotentency key.


Optional scheduleToCloseTimeout: null | IDuration

Schedule-to-close timeout for this operation. Indicates how long the caller is willing to wait for operation completion. Calls are retried internally by the server. (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled "to" is used to indicate interval. --)


Optional service: null | string

Service name.


Optional workflowTaskCompletedEventId: null | Long

The WORKFLOW_TASK_COMPLETED event that the corresponding ScheduleNexusOperation command was reported with.