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Interface: IWorkflowPropertiesModifiedExternallyEventAttributes


Properties of a WorkflowPropertiesModifiedExternallyEventAttributes.

Implemented by



Optional newTaskQueue: null | string

If set to a nonempty string, future workflow tasks for this workflow shall be dispatched on the provided queue.


Optional newWorkflowExecutionTimeout: null | IDuration

If set, update the workflow execution timeout to this value. May be set to 0 for no timeout.


Optional newWorkflowRunTimeout: null | IDuration

If set, update the workflow run timeout to this value. May be set to 0 for no timeout.


Optional newWorkflowTaskTimeout: null | IDuration

If set, update the workflow task timeout to this value.


Optional upsertedMemo: null | IMemo

If set, update the workflow memo with the provided values. The values will be merged with the existing memo. If the user wants to delete values, a default/empty Payload should be used as the value for the key being deleted.